Useful Elder Abuse Weblinks

Alzheimer Scotland for people with dementia and their carers

Befriending organisations in Scotland -from the Befriending Network Scotland

Citizens Advice Scotland -Locate your local Citizens Advice Bureau

Contact The Elderly – Locations of Contact the Elderly volunteer groups

NHS on the Web –  A directory of NHS Services (GPS, hospitals etc) throughout Scotland

Help The Aged in Scotland – A directory of Help The Aged services for older people in Scotland

Legal Services Agency – Locations of Legal Services Agency centres

Mediation UK – This website gives a list of local mediation services

Mental Welfare Commission – An independant organisation with the responsibility of protecting the welfare of people with mental disorder in Scotland.tal disorder (including learning disabilities and dementia) in Scotland.

Health groups In Scotland – A directory of local health & health education groups

NHS Health Information – Information from the NHS

Public Concern at Work  – provides legal, practical and policy advice on whistleblowing

Public Guardian – operates under legislation which makes provision for the care of the property, financial affairs and personal welfare of adults who are incapable.

Samaritans – Details of your local samaritans group in scotland

Scottish Association of Law Centres – Information on Law Centres in Scotland

Scottish Commision for the Regulation of Care –  regulates care services against national care standards and according to the requirements of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 and associated Regulations.

Scottish Executive Map of Advocacy Services across Scotland

Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance – For further information on advocacy in Scotland

Scottish Police Scottish Police Website – Details of all the police forces.

The Royal Princes Trust for Carers – Carers Centres in Scotland

Victims Support – A directory of Victims Support Centres