Community Work

Age Concern Scotland Community Work is a response to the need for very local, hands-on support for the development of initiatives to benefit older people. Our Community Workers work alongside older people and those providing services, resources or activities for older people.

We work on a very local basis with older people and with those working with older people to develop and support initiatives which promote health, wellbeing and opportunities for older people in their communities and beyond

The activity of our community workers varies greatly according to local resources and local needs. However, many common areas of work have emerged. Community workers have assisted in developing:

  • safe exercise for frailer older people (through Movin’ Aboot). More information is in The Case for Promoting Physical Activity Among Frail and Older People (PDF file, 697 KB). This report, by Eileen Wilson of Age Concern Scotland and Jermaine Allison of NHS Highland, examines the role of physical activity in preventing and managing falls, project examples, a home safety audit and mapping exercise, physical activity and mental wellbeing. 
  • local transport fora to promote local solutions to transport problems 
  • better transport opportunities for older people through community car schemes and community minibuses 
  • learning and leisure opportunities for older people, e.g. art groups, dancing groups, computer classes 
  • local groups promoting awareness of the needs of people with dementia and their carers 
  • special events celebrating age, promoting health and publicising learning opportunities